Fixed Deposit Account
This is a savings product available to individuals, unions, clubs, and registered business organizations. It allows you to fix your money for a chosen period of time and gain attractive interest rates, the product was created for ideal fund to yield income while been in the bank.
- Minimum operating balance is N1,000,000
- Highly competitive interest rate
- Easy access to your account
- Available to Individuals, Groups and Associations
- You are able to secure and grow funds that are not for immediate use
- Expert financial advice available
- Earn High-yield interest on your investment account.
- Roll over investment at competitive interest rates
- SMS Alert services
- Serves as shock observer in time of financial emergency.
- Duly completed account opening form
- Duly completed application form.
- 2 recent passport-size photographs
- Current utility bill
- A valid means of ID (national ID, driver’s license, voter’s card or international passport)