Historical Background
CSD Microfinance Bank Limited (formerly Akparabong Community Bank) was established and registered as a Limited Liability Company in 1993 by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), RC No. 214015 in line with Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990 and first licensed then by CBN to carry out Community Banking business. Having crossed the uphill task placed by CBN in 2005, the name was changed to CENTRAL SENATORIAL DISTRICT MICROFINANCE BANK LIMITED. (CSDMFB LTD) .
After 19 years in operation, we are glad to say, thank God as we go down memory lane and also thanks the founding Fathers for their foresight without which there will be no CSDMFB. The new christened name by CAC and license by CBN to carry out the business of microfinance banking took effect December 2007. The Bank formally commenced operation in January 4, 2010.
The change equally came with new vibrant Board Members, highly respected, most erudite household names in their respective chosen professions. The Management team consists of well trained individuals with years of experience, widely exposed in all aspects of banking and finance.
As a grass root bank, CSDMFB started by conducting a comprehensive research on our operating environment and identified the real needs of the people especially those at bottom of the pyramid that Constitute the highest population of our target audience. Secondly, we went ahead to develop products and services that are tailored to their identified needs. In deploying these products we continue to modify and introduce fresh needs according to the aspiration and demands of our target groups.